How to make a pom pom poppy
Step 1.
You will need a pom pom maker (we use the 'Clover pom pom maker), the desired colors wool, Chentille wire for the stem and scissors.
Step 2.
Wind the purple center color only in the center of one side of the pom
pom maker and over the top and slightly to each side of the purple I
used a little maroon to outline the purple center.
Step 3.
Wind the red wool over the top and complete your pom pom winding with red only.
Step 4.
Snip the center line of your pom pom open and tie it off with a double strand of wool for extra strength.
Step 5.
I used two Chentille wires twisted together as the pom pom was a little top heavy on one wire.
Push the wire through the center of the pom pom and bend the wire over to attached itself to the pom pom. You can give the pom pom a trim to get the right shape. I cut a bit of a 'flat top' to the purple center because I thought it made it look a little more like a poppy flower.
Vous allez!!
you have a pom pom poppy that will never die.